Home Motivation How To Be a Good Girlfriend to Your Guy: 13 Ways To Make Him Love You Even More

How To Be a Good Girlfriend to Your Guy: 13 Ways To Make Him Love You Even More

How To Be a Good Girlfriend to Your Guy: 13 Ways To Make Him Love You Even More


So, you’ve found yourself a special someone, and you’re ready to rock their world as the ultimate girlfriend? 


We know that being a great partner isn’t always easy, but don’t worry; we’ve got your back. 

In this guide, we’ll dish out some top-notch advice to help you become the girlfriend of your partner’s dreams. 

From understanding their needs to communicating like a pro, we’ll cover all the bases so you can feel confident in your relationship. 

Ready to level up your girlfriend game?

Let’s dive in!

What Makes a Good Girlfriend?

You’ve found a fella who floats your boat.

So far, things are heading in the right direction, and you want to ensure they continue on a positive trajectory. 

So the question currently occupying your mind may be: How can I be a better girlfriend?

Every relationship has unique contours, but there are traits that many “good girlfriends” share.

  • Respect: The foundation of any healthy and fulfilling relationship is mutual respect.
  • Honesty: If you’re not truthful with yourself and him, the chances of things working out are between slim and none.
  • Fidelity: “Good girlfriends” don’t cheat. It’s as simple as that. (And the same goes for “good boyfriends.”)
  • Good Communication Skills: Learning to express yourself clearly and confidently is crucial to being a desirable partner.
  • Thoughtfulness: Who doesn’t want their significant other to be kind and thoughtful!?

Authenticity is another vital part of getting your guy to fall for you in a meaningful way. 

After all, the point is to find someone who loves you for you.

How to be a Good Girlfriend: 13 Ways To Make Him Love You Even More 

You understand the general qualities that make someone a good partner.

woman with arm around man How to be a Good Girlfriend

Now, let’s explore a baker’s dozen specific “good girlfriend” tips to make your man fall madly in love.

1. Send Him Sweet Texts

How does it feel when you get a sweet message from a friend, family member, or romantic partner? Pretty good, right?

Give your boyfriend the same fuzzy feeling by sending him a sweet message every so often. Good morning messages are usually appreciated, as are encouraging notes when he has a big work happening or a special event. And never underestimate the impact of a “just because” text.

However, don’t overdo it! Sending multiple messages a day is annoying. Depending on your man’s personality, once a day may even be overkill. The key is to come across as considerate and thoughtful, not desperate. Part of getting a man to fall in love is maintaining a bit of mystery.

2. Don’t Pester Him Right After Work

They call it “work” for a reason: It isn’t always a pleasant walk in the park. So when he gets home from work, or you meet up right after work, try not to pester him.

We’re not suggesting you never bother him with stuff he doesn’t want to hear. That’s not healthy, either. Each person in a relationship needs to feel like they’re seen. But give the guy at least an hour to decompress. Regardless of gender, we all deserve that.  

3. Don’t Talk Poorly About His Friends and Family

Most people don’t appreciate a partner who’s always gossiping and judging others. It’s even worse if you speak poorly about his friends and family.

The golden gossip rule is that people can say what they want about their loved ones, but “outsiders” can’t. You may be dating, but you’re not family yet.

Of course, you have a right to express displeasure if one of his friends or family members treats you disrespectfully. But don’t be petty.

4. Don’t Emasculate Him

It may sound old-fashioned, but one of the worst things you can do to a male partner is emasculate him — in public and private. 

Right or wrong, most men are attached to the idea of “being a man” in the traditional sense. That doesn’t mean they can’t be feminist allies. But even the most progressive guys feel some sort of way about being emasculated by their partners.

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5. Don’t Be Overbearing

This is another tip that may sound like it’s straight out of the 1950s. Alas, it still holds true.

Ultimately, most men don’t appreciate when their partners are overbearing and try to control every minute aspect of their lives. For that matter, neither do most women. Think about it: Do you like when someone you’re dating feels it’s their place to dictate what you do and say?

Moreover, try not to be too needy — especially in the early days. There’s no need to talk to him every hour. You don’t need to send texts morning, noon, and night. If you want him to fall deeply in love with you, play a little hard to get.

6. Maintain Your Friendships

Guys don’t want to date someone who always needs to be with them. Heck, most married people don’t spend all of their free time with their spouses. So make sure you maintain your friendships and have your own life. 

And if the guy in question does expect you to be at his beck and call and isolates you from other people, consider it a red flag.

Ultimately, you don’t want to be the person who “dumps” all your buddies for the person you’re dating. If you do, you may find nobody is left if things fall apart.

7. Don’t Make Financial Demands

You’re dating; you’re not married. So don’t make financial demands on the guy you’re seeing if you want to be a “good girlfriend.”

We’re not suggesting you must pay for everything or go Dutch on every date. In a way, that’s also a huge red flag. But don’t expect him to give you money for rent or to pay your bills.

couple riding bicycles how to be a good girlfriend

Not only does it signal that you don’t have personal autonomy, but he may lose respect for you and treat you like someone he pays for sex.

8. Treat Him to His Favorite Meals

It may sound like a cliche from your grandmother’s time, but it’s true: One way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! So find out his favorite foods and make them for him.

Now, you don’t need to cook for him every night — or even every week. After all, you’re not his servant.

But doing it now and again is lovely, and it becomes a welcome treat that he’ll look forward to. It also signals that you care, which every guy (and gal) is looking for in a mate.

If you’re not a good cook, take him to his favorite restaurant — even if it’s not your top choice.

9. Show Interest in His Hobbies and Passions

Guys love it when the people they’re dating show interest in their goals and passions. So if your dude is into baseball or computers, offer to go to a game with him or build a PC together. 

Beware, though. Don’t go overboard. The worst thing you can do is pretend to be someone you’re not. It’s not healthy for you or the relationship. 

But giving something new a try or accompanying your man to some events without complaining is a “good girlfriend” thing to do. 

10. Don’t Try To Be Someone You’re Not

We can’t stress enough how important it is to be authentic. You can’t be your best if you’re “faking the funk.” Moreover, your guy will likely pick up on it.

No rule says you have to love the exact things as your boyfriend. In fact, having varied interests can add a welcome dynamic to the relationship.

So don’t try to fit a mold to please a partner. If they’re right for you, they’ll enjoy you precisely as you are — quirks and all.

11. Pick Your Battles Wisely

Perfect relationships are like unicorns: They don’t exist.

If you’ve been dating someone for more than six months, you’re bound to get into at least one major argument. Moreover, people have bad days and may take it out on their partners. Occasional spats are perfectly normal.

woman kissing man on nose  how to be a good girlfriend

So if you want to keep your relationship headed in the right direction, pick your battles wisely. Not every pissy moment needs to be war.

Also, remember that you, too, have your moments. (We all do.) So before you blow up over something minuscule, take a deep breath and consider whether it’s really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

That said, you never need to tolerate abuse and should always leave partners who aggressively put their hands on you. 

12. Don’t Be Possessive or Jealous

This is another tip that requires a nuanced touch because a touch of jealousy can be okay at times. In specific circumstances, showing a pinch of envy can convey that you care.

But full-blown jealousy is never a good look for anyone, and it turns most people off, especially if you’re just dating. The same thing goes for possessiveness. It’s an unattractive quality, and most folks consider it a turnoff.

13. Let Him Know How Much You Care

While the majority of males don’t enjoy being emasculated, that doesn’t mean they’re not sensitive — and it certainly doesn’t mean they don’t want their partners to show they care.

So if you want to be a “good girlfriend,” let him know how you feel. Be kind and pump up his ego. Have his back, and do special little things that convey your affection. 

Final Thought

Ultimately, the keys to being a “good girlfriend” and making the guy you’re dating fall in love are being the best version of yourself, going the extra mile to demonstrate that you care, and willingly engaging with his passions. 


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